The title for this picture is as much metaphorical as it is a description of the image. Lately I've been thinking about what it is that drives us in our creative pursuits. I have to admit, it's hard to find the right words. One thing that comes to mind is a sense of relationship that I think we develop with things that are meaningful to us. In photography, it's a relationship that actually grows and changes over time to the point that both the photographer and the photograph change in ways that are mutually beneficial. Our interpersonal relationships certainly undergo this type of transformation . . . at least the good ones do . . . and perhaps it seems like a stretch to think it can occur with photography. But it feels like it does sometimes. We're not the same photographers we were a decade ago, and neither are our photographs. I don't know where it comes from or why and how it happens. Something keeps us going, though, and we hope it never stops.