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TK Lum-Mask Plugin for Adobe Photoshop

TKActions Basic plugin

The TK Lum-Mask plugin provides an easy way for photographers to start using luminosity masks. This plugin is designed using Adobe's Unified Extensibility Platform (UXP) for plug-ins. It installs on both Windows and Mac computers (including Mac M1/M2/M3/M4) and requires Photoshop 2022 (version 23.3.0) as the minimum version. Some of its useful and unique features are listed below.

  • Rapidly generate luminosity masks. The TK Lum-Mask plugin uses Photoshop's Layers panel to display masks on-screen at real-time speeds.
  • Mask-based interface. See masks up front to make intelligent choices about which one to use.
  • Bit depth of masks matches that of the image. 16-bit images have 16-bit masks, and the bit depth is maintained throughout the process of generating and deploying masks. There are no intermediate 8-bit selections.
  • Logical layout. The process for generating and deploying masks is easy and intuitive even for first-time users.
  • Mask-tracking. The plugin places a green outline around the button for the current mask displayed on-screen. Users always know which mask they last generated in order to quickly experiment with different masks.
  • Multiple output options. Curves, Levels, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, and Photo Filter adjustment layers with the on-screen mask as the layer mask are handled with a single mouse click. It's also possible to burn and dodge through a selection of a luminosity mask. Loading the mask as a selection, saving it as a channel, and applying it as a layer mask to any layer are also one-click mask output choices.
  • Compact design. The plugin was designed with a small footprint, so the image area is not obscured when using it. It can also be conveniently tucked up above any standard Photoshop panel.
  • Extensive tooltips. The plugin has help messages built into every button. Simply hold down the "ALT" key on Windows or the "option" key on Mac and move the mouse over any button to get its tooltip.
  • Active selection indicator. This feature provides visual feedback that Photoshop has an active selection even if it's too weak to generate selection borders or if the marching ants have been intentionally turned off.
  • Translated into six languages: English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, and Chinese.

There are many ways to use luminosity masks when developing images in Photoshop. Adding them as layer masks on adjustment layers and painting through active luminosity selections are two common techniques, and the TK Lum-Mask plugin does both. Luminosity masks need to be fast, accessibly, and intuitive in order to become a standard tool in your workflow. The TK Lum-Mask plugin simplifies the complex tasks of generating and deploying luminosity masks so you can focus on using them creatively.

Be sure to check out the plugin's fly-out menu for additional languages, user preferences, and educational resources.

TKActions Basic plugin

Read more about the TK Lum-Mask plugin by downloading the Instructions PDF. For an even more comprehensive plugin that makes zone, color, saturation, vibrance, and Blend If masks, check out the TK9 plugin. It also provides mask modification options and several more output options,

How to get the TK Lum-Mask plugin

To get the free TK Lum-Mask plugin, follow the directions below.

  1.  Please read the End-User License Agreement and check this box to agree to its terms.
  2.   Opt-in to receive email updates from Tony Kuyper Photography (optional). Updates are infrequent and you can opt-out at any time using the link in the footer of all emails.
  3. Click the ADD TO CART button below to add this item to the shopping cart.
  4. Follow the prompts in the cart to complete the free checkout.
TK Lum-Mask plugin - FREE!
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The video below demonstrates an earlier (but substantially similar) version of this plugin.

I hope you find the TK Lum-Mask plugin useful in your photography. As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.