Below are some questions that I've received regarding using the luminosity masks. I thought it might be instructive to list these, along with the answers, as a way to assist others to improve their skill level with these techniques. Clicking on a question will jump the answer.
#2 How do I decide which luminosity mask to use?
#5 What workflow do you recommend when using the masks?
Question #1: The entire image seems to be affected when I do an adjustment with one of the luminosity masks on a Curves adjustment layer, not just the tones I want to adjust. Why is this?
What you're actually seeing is the self-feathering effect of the masks. When you look at a luminosity mask, the white areas in the mask are the ones that will be adjusted most, but any area of the mask that isn't 100% black, i.e. some shade of gray, could also be partially adjusted when the curve on the Curves adjustment layer is bent. Gray areas of the mask correspond to partially selected pixels, which can be partially adjusted when adjusting the intended tones. These partially selected/partially adjusted pixels are what makes the adjustment blend so well into the image. So, the Lights mask, in addition to correctly selecting the light values in the image, also has an abundance of gray tones, and therefore bleeds significantly into the darker tones as it blends the adjustment into the rest of the image.
The best way to handle this situation of inadvertently adjusting the wrong tones is to choose a more restrictive mask (see question #2 below for information on which mask to use). For example, if adjusting through the Lights (Lights-1) mask affects the darker tones too much, try the Light Lights (Lights-2) or Bright Lights (Lights-3) or even the Super Lights (Lights-4) as an alternative. These masks progressively prevent more and more dark tones from being included in the tones that get adjusted or feathered as part of the overall adjustment but are still feathering, but over a more narrow range of tones.
As a reminder, a mask will always hold back or mitigate the full adjustment from being transferred to the image. So even though it may look as if the adjustment is affecting the entire image, disabling the mask on the adjustment layer will show that the adjustment is much more pronounced and tone-specific than without the mask. You can see this by doing a Shift+click on the mask to disable it. When the red "X" appears over the mask, the full, unmasked adjustment will be visible on the image. Shift+click on the mask again to re-enable it.
Another option for confining the adjustment to specific areas of the image is to use luminosity painting instead of a luminosity mask on an adjustment layer. Luminosity painting allows brushing the adjustment precisely where it's needed in the image.
Question #2: How do I decide which luminosity mask to use?
Deciding which luminosity mask to use has gotten much easier as the TKActions panel for making masks has improved. It now has a mask-based interface, which means that you can see the actual mask as it's generated and modified. Basically, the correct strategy for choosing masks is to find or create one that is lightest/whitest in areas of the image that need to be selected or adjusted, and darkest/blackest in areas that should not be selected or adjusted. Just remember that for masks, white reveals and black conceals. The lightest/whites parts of the mask will be the parts of the image targeted by that mask. Gray areas of the mask are partially targeted and provide for the good blending that naturally comes with using luminosity masks. Very dark and black area of the mask shield that part of the image from being affected by whatever happens using the mask. A typlical Lights-series luminosity mask is shown below. This mask could be useful for targeting the lighter areas of the sky and rainbow.
Question #3: I see in your examples that you mostly use Curves adjustment layers when using the luminosity masks. Why not use Levels?
Actually, it's fine to use whichever type of adjustment layer works best. There are many ways to reach the same end in Photoshop, and many times it comes down to personal preference. I use Curves a lot and feel comfortable with this type of adjustment so it's the one I often choose. However, I have also used the luminosity masks with Levels, Selective Color, Photo Filter, and Brightness/Contrast adjustments. It all depends on what the image needs and how I want to accomplish my adjustment goals. It's actually important to NOT feel restricted to using a specific type of adjustment layer with the masks. The mask is simply a selection of a specific tonal range. How you adjust that particular tonal range is completely up to you. Over time you'll probably find several different types of adjustment layers that work well with the masks. I've found that the Photo Filter in combination with a luminosity mask, for example, works particularly well to add tint to just the light or dark areas of the image like in the figure below. Over the years I've continued to add more and more output options for the masks generated by the TKActions panel. There are now lots of different adjustment layers and even some pixel layers. The masks work on many different types of layers, and the panel makes these easily accessible.
Question #4: It seems like luminosity painting can do the same thing as using the luminosity masks on Curves adjustment layers—adjusting the brightness and contrast of specific tones in the image. Is there an advantage of choosing one method over the other?
It's going to depend on what you want to accomplish with a particular adjustment, but yes, there are some significant differences in these two methods of doing tonal adjustments to the image.
If you're looking to make more global adjustments to all the similar tones in an image, then using a luminosity mask on an adjustment layer is the best way to go. It's very quick, for example, to make a Curves adjustment layer, bend the curve, and make significant changes to the desired tones across the entire image.
Luminosity painting is a little more time-consuming, but it offers several possible advantages. The first is the ability to localize the adjustment to a specific part of the image. Only those pixels in the active selection under the brush stroke are affected by the paint. So instead of adjusting all the similar tones as with a masked Curves adjustment, painting only adjusts those tones and areas that get painted.
Additionally, you can repeatedly brush an area on the Burn/Dodge layer during luminosity painting to build up the tonal change through the active selection. Applying more paint increases the effect. Even if you're brushing with 100% opacity, the mask usually won't allow 100% paint to be deposited on the Burn/Dodge layer. So repeated brush strokes continue to add paint to the Burn/Dodge layer to enhance the effect. In some parts of the image you might need only one brush stroke to make the adjustment. Other parts two strokes. Some parts ten. It all depends on how the image is looking to you. This variable amount of brushing means a particular luminosity selection can be applied differently to different areas of the image depending on how many brush strokes you make. So instead of getting a global effect from one luminosity mask on a Curves adjustment layer, luminosity painting can create a highly varied effect across the image depending on how much paint is applied through the selection.
A third advantage of luminosity painting is that you can change the mask selection you paint through at any time to target different tones and you can also change the paint color to get a different effect, and this can all be done on one layer. You can lighten some tones or areas by painting white through one mask and darken other tones or areas by painting black through a different mask. In this way, the Burn/Dodge layer can take the place of multiple Curves adjustment layers. Instead of making several Curves adjustment layers with different masks, you can just luminosity paint through the different masks onto one Burn/Dodge layer. The figure below is a Burn/Dodge layer with multiple brush storkes with black and white paint through different luminosity masks.
Some additional advantages of luminosity painting include added feathering of the adjustment from painting with a feathered brush and the ability to reverse or fine-tune an adjustment by switching to the opposite color paint.
To some degree, using luminosity masks on adjustment layers and luminosity painting, even though they sometimes address similar issues in an image, can almost be thought of as different techniques. Masked adjustment layers are a great way to make global changes to all similar tones in an image, and can be used with different types of adjustment layers to adjust brightness and contrast as well as color and saturation (see Question #3). Luminosity painting is almost exclusively used to adjust brightness and contrast, and is an incredibly powerful way to use one canvas (the Burn/Dodge layer) for affecting a variety of different tonal changes to specific areas of an image. In many images, both techniques will be useful.
Question #5: What workflow do you recommend when using the masks?
The first thing I will say about workflow is that every image, especially in nature photography, is its own creation and will require its own approach. No two images are the same. The sequence of steps to develop an image in Photoshop changes with each image and also as each image develops. The important thing is to be able figure out what the image needs and then to find a way to respond to that need. So it's difficult, perhaps even impossible, to provide a step-by-step approach to developing an image using the masks. However, I'll provide some general concepts that I have found useful.